This is the Leaders Casm. Here you post What the leader says you need to post to be Accepted to live there. The armagedon castle was founded by Doro after Xehanort couldnt defeat sora, so OrganizationXIII Moved to a vacent castle and tada!! Moderator:Doro the Kalia
OrganizationXIII is the major essential group/military of armagedon Castle. They are the strongest in the castle and are usually made generals of the fortress blades. Organizaion Members are Norbodys! The Fortress blades is the actual military of the castle. There will be Certain Requirment's that the Leader will have to join certain ranks with in the Military. Moderator:Doro the Kalia
These are the lands of the armageddon castle. This is the area of rp. The Lands include the Castle itself, a moute around the castle, 50 Square feet of land all the way around, nobody hunting grounds, a sacrifice area, Library of truth (Contains record of pasts events), and the eternal pods. Moderator:Doro the Kalia